Katrina’s Zen Kin® Cousins Project Update and End Date.

Hello! I just came from a dental procedure where I wanted to remain calm. I drew Zen Kin® in my mind. I quite often do this as a form of relaxation. Zentangle® and all the principles of the Zentangle® practice have helped me in many situations. One stroke at a time helped me to enjoy something that I was nervous about. While the surgeon was extracting my tooth and placing an implant there was not much for me to do besides concentrating on something other than what was happening. I knew that if my visions were of the procedure I would become tense and the time would go by so slowly. I took my pen in hand mentally and then began to draw a Zen Kin®. I also looked at some of the wonderful Zen Kin® Cousins that are on the wall of cousins here. It all happened in my mind, but the feeling was there and so the relaxation was there too. I hope you have something that you love that can help you in times of stress. Images are there in your mind to pull forward whenever you need them. I am grateful for the participation in my project, Katrina’s Zen Kin® Cousins Project, and I am grateful to all the images I now have in my brain of these lovely cousins to call upon whenever I need them. Thank you!

I want to remind everyone that the project end date is October 1. It was originally set for earlier but I have extended it to October 1. I hope there are more of you out there that have yet to send a Zen Kin® Cousin and I can’t tell you how much it would mean to me and to the other creators to have your Zen Kin® Cousin in this project.

Please take a look at my video to see if you would like to contribute to this worldwide project and have your unique Zen Kin® Cousin be a part of a worldwide wall of cousins.

I appreciate you. Katrina

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