Katrina’s Zen Kin® Cousins Project

Hello! It is here and it is now. I have been thinking about this project for a long time now and am happy to say that this is the day I will release the video that I have prepared for the project. I am excited that it will be a YouTube video because I was able to edit some closed captions and it also has a translation availability in several languages. The project is to watch my video and follow the easy steps to make a Zen Kin® Cousin. You will then make one for yourself. One cousin will be sent to me where it will join with other cousins from all over the world to be displayed on a “Wall of Cousins” in my home. I hope to foster community and spread joy through this project. Please consider joining in the fun. I hope this reaches all parts of the globe. We have such an enthusiastic group of tanglers around the world and I hope that not only they, but other artists and non artists (we are all artists in my opionion) will join in this endeavor. I am offering this video free of charge. If CZTs want to share the video with their students it will be during free sessions. I don’t want to ramble here on this post because I want to get this video out into the world as soon as I am able. I hope you will all join in this wonderful project. I am sooooo excited!! Thank you in advance! Fondly, Katrina

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