Wow! I am featured in the Zentangle Blog

Today I am featured in the Zentangle® Blog. They have a Family Tree feature that enables them to highlight CZTs and give the reader a bit of information about this wonderful CZT family they have created and nurtured. I am so honored to be highlighted today. The link is on my homepage here. You may also view it by going to

I have been enjoying my new adventure of tangling in the snow! What an opportunity it has been to get some fun exercise! My husband has been so good to stand still in the cold for the half hour to tape me. Thank you, Randy! And thanks to my son for editing the videos and adding music.

I have a renewed joy of playing in the snow and have lots of ideas in my head for future adventures. The canvas gets wiped clean every few days and I can begin again. Right now there is a blanket of snow that is just waiting for me to create Zen Kin®. When I am out there, I feel like a kid again. There is something so heartwarming when connected to childhood memories through something like playing in the snow. I remember my mother bundling me up in all the snow gear to go out with my siblings to make snow forts and pull each other on sleds. When I do the Zen Kin® in the snow, I am usually wearing very little snow gear as the exercise I get doing it at my age brings about a warmth that doesn’t require a coat.

I hope you are finding joy in whatever weather you are having. There is so much joy to be had in creating! Grab a pen and some paper or whatever gives you joy…it could be putting your boots on and going out in the snow! If you have a warm, sandy beach nearby, then enjoy a wonderful creative journey and think of me here in the cold. One of the things that Rick talks about when he explains the Zentangle® method is that it doesn’t have to be done on the wonderful Zentangle® tiles that they have available. That is an experience to savor, but it can be done with a stick and some sand. And now I know it can be done in snow! Enjoy!

I am going to announce the details of the Zen Kin® Cousin project on February 15 here and on my Facebook page. I have some details to work out, and when I get things worked out, I will be able to do this project properly. I am so excited to begin to share the joy with everyone and to bring people together through this Cousin project!

I hope you are all staying safe in this time of World Wide pandemic. My heart goes out to all of you! We are all in this together, and I hope that you are finding ways to be creative throughout this hard time. It sustains me.

Until next time,


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